AmigaOS3.5 (543/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:17 May 2000 at 13:40:56
Subject:Re: AsimCDFS

On 17-May-00, A. J. wrote:

> I dont know if there is anything wrong with useing both programs or
> not, but I have been doing that for a long time now, but with two cd
> drives... I was trying to set AsimCDFS for both CD Drives... ( I also
> hvve two scsi cards and I cant figure it out... )

To set up AsimCDFS for two drives, make a DosDriver file for the second
one by copying the first and editing it in a text editor. For instance,
copy CD0: to make CD1: and change the device and ID number as needed.

Then in a Shell, type
AsimCDFS:AsimCDFS_prefs cdrom CD1:

and that will allow you to set up the prefs for CD1:

After that, when you open the Prefs, both CDs will appear.
If one of the CDs is a CD writer, it is best to NOT start it up on
booting, but only run it when you need to read from it (rarely). To do
this, just move its DOSdriver out of the usual places, so that you have
to click it to mount the CD. CD writing works best if the CD is not
mounted for reading.


Don Cox

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